Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What to do When Your Child is Being Bullied at School

Its unfortunate but bullying is often a part of school life. Kids can be cruel at times and many of us may remember using one or two unkind words at some point during our school years.

However, there are some cases when bullying is out of control. Here are a few ways to spot the warnings signs that your child is being bullied at school:

Your child starts having nightmares or seems more anxious than usual

Your child seems anxious about going to school or tries to avoid going

Your child seems distracted and starts to get bad grades

Of course these signs dont necessarily point to bullying just as in some cases children wont display any signs of bullying at all. Its important to be aware and talk to your child about their school day and stop any potential bullying in its tracks.

Bullying can be destructive to both your child and the child doing the bullying. If your child is being bullied at school you should firstly try to speak to their teacher about it. The problem may be able to be resolved by the teacher. If it continues make an appointment to see the school principal and explain the situation.

More than likely your school principal will take a stand against the bullying and try to understand what is happening. Its important to give the school time in which to resolve the problem as they do need to be fair and look at the situation as a whole before passing judgement.

Mila Sidman & Alice SebaWireless Controller Ps2


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